
众犬吠声用英语怎么说 众犬吠声英语翻译

时尚男士 2023-03-29 20:50 出处:网络 编辑:@时尚男士


众犬吠声用英语怎么说 众犬吠声英语翻译


译文:(B-Box) 呜~~宝贝儿~ 宝贝儿~ 宝贝儿~ 宝贝儿~(婴儿哭) 宝贝儿~(婴儿哭) 宝贝儿~(猫叫) (犬吠) 好了 。

众犬吠声用英语怎么说 众犬吠声英语翻译

3. When the packis baying forblood...

译文:当猎犬吠叫着要喝血... When the packis baying forblood...。

4. i hear dogs barking all the time,even when they ain't there.

5. it's just wonderful! i heard it through the Twilight Bark!

6. if you lose your way,contact the barking chain.

众犬吠声用英语怎么说 众犬吠声英语翻译

7. Yes,yes,take it. And on the way,learn how to bark like a real dog.

8. (Dog barking) (Dog barking and spring boinging) And this is a new kind of zoetrope that i developed at the imaging Research Center at UMBC in Baltimore.

译文:(犬吠) (犬吠及弹簧震动声) 这是我在马里兰大学 巴尔的摩分校的 成像研究中心发明的 一种新的西洋镜。 。

9. [ Clattering,Barking Continues ]

10. He be the only one in barking range.

众犬吠声用英语怎么说 众犬吠声英语翻译

11. "i heard a dog barking loudly,

12. - Tell me what you mean,"that dog won't bark."

13. [dog barking] [man shouting in native language]

14. DM: So by shaking the Siftables and putting them next to each other he can make the characters interact -- Video: Woof!

译文:把Siftables朝动画图像晃一下就可以把新元素加到画面上 他把新元素加上去了-- 视频:狗吠声 。

众犬吠声用英语怎么说 众犬吠声英语翻译

15. You can add the sound of no phones ringing to that of no dogs barking,Brian.

