
井然有序用英语怎么说 井然有序英语翻译

时尚男士 2023-03-29 20:24 出处:网络 编辑:@时尚男士
导读:井然有序的英语是\"in order\",还网络中常译为\"orderly\",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到46个与井然有序相关的译文和例句。

导读:井然有序的英语是"in order",还网络中常译为"orderly",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到46个与井然有序相关的译文和例句。

井然有序用英语怎么说 井然有序英语翻译

井然有序的英语是"in order",还网络中常译为"orderly",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到46个与井然有序相关的译文和例句。

Building In An Orderly ( 建筑井然有序 )

井然有序用英语怎么说 井然有序英语翻译

The Environment Orderly ( 使环境井然有序 )

a well regulated life an orderly universe a quiet ordered house ( 井然有序的房屋 )

permanent latrine orderly ( 永久的卫生间井然有序 )

Middle School Kids Today ( 井然有序的人体 )

The Organized Office ( 井然有序的办公室 )

井然有序用英语怎么说 井然有序英语翻译

1. i,using musical theory,have created order out of chaos.

2. - Hard,cynical and a phabetical,amnesic,twisted without reason.

译文:- 猛烈,愤世嫉俗,井然有序,失忆,毫无缘由的反常.。

3. Things always work out in the end.

4. He always kept things nice and clean

井然有序用英语怎么说 井然有序英语翻译

5. Order versus chaos. Also known as OCD versus

6. And i'm good at it,too. i rule. i've...

7. We pride ourselves in knowing that we've kept this town tight-knit.

8. And who rules... all the things,so that they are put in order.

9. Well,they're not in order.

10. Well,then let's climb aboard... in an orderly fashion-- spread out!

11. Chief Brittles,are we shipshape?

12. And in order to sell records,

13. So i'm not completely organized,but i see organization as a gradual process,and i'm getting there.

译文:所以,我还没能完全做到井然有序, 但我把井然有序做事 看成是一个渐进的过程, 也正在慢慢实现这个目标。 。

井然有序用英语怎么说 井然有序英语翻译

14. Things are pretty hectic,i expect.

15. A few months were enough to put his factory in order.

